Who is Amrabed?

AMRABED is the name of a YouTube channel mainly focused on Algerian, Berber, Kabyle history; on local mythology (both Berber-speaking and Arabic-speaking), all while trying to remain as objective as possible (although absolute objectivity does not exist)
Amrabed Partners
See: Partners
Amrabed’s two partners are:
Amrabed’s two partners are:
We have devoted a page dedicated to their presentation.
- Hmimi Chioukh: I could never thank my friend Hmimi enough, who offered to adjust the layout of the site on a voluntary and free basis. It is thanks to his help and advice that I was able to create this site.
- Camil Kermoume: Longtime friend, owning his own website, Camil offered to help me write the content of the site, he brought a lot especially in the historical chronology section.
- Salim Djoudi: Site author